Sunday, July 19, 2009

Don't Believe Me - Believe Them Who's Saying What About Film Shoots in Thailand?

by Scott Rosenberg

Bangkok, Thailand July 19, 2009 - Why should you believe me? I'm just an entertainment journalist. Despite my many years reporting the news, attending and participating in film festivals and markets, and meeting with "players" in the film industry of the World, I've never written a screenplay or made a movie.

But I have interviewed hundreds of people and for the last sixteen years domiciled here in Thailand, have found that EVERYONE likes to come to Thailand to make movies.

Could the answer be as easy as Academy Award winning director Danny Boyle (pictured) maintained when I asked him why he liked filming in Thailand (The Beach 2000): "I like working with the Thai people," he said.

Certainly, Thailand is renowned for the smiles, the warmth and the hospitality of its populace but that can not be the only reason for taking a production on the road to film in Thailand.

Another Academy Award winner, William Hurt who was in Thailand shooting Shadows, when asked what he thinks of Thai production services said, "They are phenomenal!"

Tom Waller, is managing director of De Warrenne Pictures one of the leading international production companies in Thailand. De Warrenne provides full production services and logistics support for foreign films shooting in Thailand.

Tom says, "The main strengths of the film industry here are that Thailand offers excellent value for money in terms of the cost of crew labor and services for foreign films wishing to shoot here.

By coming here to shoot your production using local equipment and crews, you can expect to save money on your budget and achieve high production values - the skillset and work experience is here and there is already an infrastructure as Thailand has its own healthy film industry. It is also easy to accommodate crews and provide logistics support - almost everyone involved in the film industry here has some grasp of the English language.

Chinese director Zhimin Sheng (Fu sheng, Bliss 2006) agrees the lower cost of shooting in Thailand is a factor for shooting here: “If I’m making a thriller, for example, I’ll shoot in Thailand, not China, in order to cut costs.”

Hong Kong based Pulse Films director/producer Patrice Paujal answering the question of why he likes to shoot here said, "Thailand is a tapestry. You have everything here – Bangkok itself is like a movie set".

One of the most prolific British directors (now domiciled in Thailand), David Winters (The King Maker 2005) who produced and directed over 70 films in an 8 year period agrees with Tom's assessment: "There are many opportunities for shooting films in Thailand: mainly because of the cost of the labor in producing films here. Another main reason is there is already an infrastructure existing here as there are many local films made each year. You have a choice of many post-production houses, as well as many labs.

Thailand is the only real center for film making in all of South East Asia. Many other countries talk about making International films, but they do not have the opportunity to work on many and so it is more of a dream than a reality.

For me Bangkok is the center of all serious business in this country and so I prefer to base myself here. Plus there are many more people to choose from when you are making a film. Also, all of the equipment houses are here, so if you need some equipment or lights right away you can get it without stopping the production. Bangkok to me is like the LA of Thailand."

Other film makers agree that film making facilities in Bangkok are world class.

Singaporean director Jack Neo (I Not Stupid 2002, Money Not Enough 2006) said on a recent trip to Thailand: "The theaters and facilities in Bangkok are excellent. I do my post-production work here. ... I’m ...amazed by the facilities!"

Agreeing with Jack was Malaysian actor-director Hans Isaac (City Sharks 2003): "We always come to Bangkok for our post-production work, but it was on this trip, that we realized how advanced, the film facilities are, and how many options we have!

So what more can I say?

Yes, Thailand has beautiful landscapes, from mist covered mountains to pristine beaches and underwater wonderlands – from "moonscaped" riverbeds to eons old dinosaur grave yards. Whatever you are looking for in your film shoot – whatever your budget level, you can find it and film it here in Thailand.

But as I said earlier, don't believe me – believe them!

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