Saturday, January 15, 2011

AMW International Concierge Service

AMW International Co. Ltd., is proud to introduce its new Concierge Service for the discerning film industry leisure traveler to Thailand.

Working closely with film makers from around the world utilizing production services in Thailand we recognize the need to serve this discerning market of travelers to Thailand for leisure activities.

Quite simply, we are here to make your life simpler AND to save you money.
Our Concierge Service can help by:

• Providing information – we are able to suggest itineraries based on your particular needs: specialty restaurants, accommodations, shopping – we give you the background info to make informed choices;
• Simplifying your life – for those chores you don't have time to complete, or if you need help with something and you don't know where to turn, we offer assistance and take a little stress and strain out of your life;
• Cost savings – while we are not a travel agency, we are able to use our corporate standing to get you lowest possible costs on accommodations and activities. We can suggest smaller boutique operations th others don't know about – it's our goal to personalize your travel at lowest possible cost;
• Cut through red tape – don't want to be hassled by customs, immigration and "touts"? We offer a "meet and greet" service which will speed you on the way, in a chauffeur driven vehicle to your vacation or business destination;

So give us a call today (US VOiP 310-464-1566) or drop us an email at to see what we can do for you – our consultations are always FREE.

Very best regards
The AMW International Concierge Team

Thai Prime Minster Shows Support for Filming in Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand (January 17, 2011) – On December 29, 2010, in an auspicious sign of support for Thailand's foreign production services industry and the Department of Tourism, Thailand Film Office (Thailand's Film Commission) for the New Year ahead, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva visited the set of Warner Bros' and Legendary Picture's The Hangover Part II that was filming in Bangkok.

Joining PM Abhisit at the MoonStar studio were Director-General of the Department of Tourism, Mr. Supol Sripan, Ms. Wanasiri Morakul, Director of the Thailand Film Office, Ms. Sasisupa Sungvaribud, president of the private sector Foreign Film Production Services Association (FSA), Mr. Daniel Goldberg, Producer, Mr. Todd Phillips, Director, Mr. Chris Lowenstein, Line Producer (Thailand based Living Films) and others.

The Hollywood production shot 40 days in Thailand, 38 on location and 2 in MoonStar's sound stage. Approximately 500 million Baht (about US $16.7 million) was spent on the production which employed over 450 local crew and 100 Western crew who stayed at over 12 different hotels around town. 176 various production vehicles were hired including vans, trucks, cranes, motor homes, mobile toilets, mobile offices, etc.

With those assembled the Prime Minister discussed tax incentives and rebates for foreign film productions filming in Thailand which had already passed the Thai Cabinet and were being considered for final implementation.

Thanking the Prime Minister for his support, Mr. Lowenstein encouraged him to try and have the incentives fully approved by May 26, 2011. May 26th being the day The Hangover Part II will be released world wide – right after the Cannes International Film Festival (May 11-21) and right before the Association of Film Commissioners Location show in Los Angeles which will run June 3-5, 2011.

The Prime Minister liked the idea of setting a specific date and using the movie's world wide release date as a marketing platform for promoting Thailand's locations and production services industry.

Photo Courtesy Living Films - Melinda Sue Gordon
Photo: l to r Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva shaking hands with The Hangover Part II director Todd Phillips with Living Films managing director and movie line producer Chris Lowenstein, center foreground.

Thailand Production Services Industry Continues to Grow

Bangkok, Thailand (January 10, 2011) - Thailand earned Bt1.8 billion (US$60 million) from foreign film production teams shooting in the country last year, according to the Department of Tourism.

Department of Tourism Director-General Supol Sripan announced January 4 2011, statistics of the Thailand Film Office showed that 578 productions were filmed in Thailand in 2010, earning the country Bt1.87 billion baht ($60 million) in 2010, double the more than Bt900 million ($30 million) earned in 2009.

The greatest number of foreign production teams was from India and Japan with European and Korean productions following close behind, according to Ms. Wanasiri Morakul, Director of the Thailand Film Office (Thailand's Film Commission).

Acknowledging the strong Baht may cause production services costs to increase slightly, Ms Morakul said Thailand's lower costs were only one factor for the rise in foreign film production in Thailand last year.

"Foreign film makers consistently note the availability of top quality equipment, exotic locations and multilingual/cultural Thai crews that work extremely hard," said Ms. Morakul.

Director-General Sripan added that he expected additional growth in the industry in 2011 because the Thai government has approved incentives to film makers.

The Cabinet approved the exemption of film shooting fees in areas owned by seven state offices including the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, the Department of Fine Arts, the State Railway of Thailand, the Treasury Department, the Royal Forest Department, the Royal Irrigation Department and Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Both local and foreign film production teams are subject to receive the incentive.
The Cabinet approved additional incentives which are still under review by the Revenue Department.

"We hope additional growth will come from roadshows in Europe and Russia later in 2011 and also an inbound roadshow of top studios, producers and location coordinators that will spread the word about Thailand's industry", said Ms. Morakul.

Contributing to the "word of mouth" on the growth of Thailand's successful production services industry is P3Update magazine who in their February 2011 issue will designate for the second year in a row, Thailand as one of three top film location destinations in Asia.